Thursday, April 1, 2021

Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment - Top 100 Spiritually Significant Films

The Movie Watcher’s Guide to Enlightenment is a powerful and practical guide to find and watch movies with a new spiritual perception.

The Movie Watcher’s Guide to Enlightenment describes movies that can be helpful in Awakening to

Truth. Metaphysical and forgiveness themes will be the focus. Movies can be used as a way of expanding consciousness and, ultimately, experiencing the depth and meaning of the Inner Self. They can be a means to get in touch with and release limiting beliefs and come to a resolution of inner conflict.

Movie Watcher's Guide To Enlightenment - A Course In Miracles
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Movie Watcher's. Guide To. Enlightenment. Using the symbols of the world to Awaken to our. Spiritual Reality beyond all symbols.
David Hoffmeister

By Jason Press
If you enjoy watching movies and enjoy the deepest of the deepest spiritual teachings in a form that can be applied directly to practical situations and everyday life, then this publication is for you. The Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment acts as a companion to hundreds of classic movies as well as obscure gems, containing descriptions and notes about each one that dive deeply into the core teachings of Enlightenment. Here is a passage from the Guide:

"This Guide to Enlightenment or Salvation will list movies that can be helpful in Awakening to Truth. Metaphysical and forgiveness themes will be the focus. True forgiveness is completely laying aside the ego, the belief in linear time/space.
Movies can be used as a way of expanding consciousness and, ultimately, experiencing the depth and meaning of the Inner Self. They can be a means to get in touch with and release limiting beliefs and come to a resolution of inner conflict.
They need not be used as a means of escapism, distraction, or fantasy fulfillment, all of which are ego reinforcement. Movies are like modern-day parables. They offer a backdrop for experiencing deeper awareness and purpose, the detached, fearless Perspective from which it is apparent "all things work together for good." For those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see, movie watching can offer insights a plenty into the very heart of the Soul. This guide is a list of movies that can help uncover the Innocence and Beauty that is the Real Self as God created It."

Allow the blocks to the awareness of love's presence to rise up into awareness and be seen for what they are. The road to Truth can be a gentle and joyful unfolding of deeper and deeper joy and peace. So enjoy!

Way of the Peaceful Warrior – Classic for teacher/student relationship
This is a brilliant movie about a young man who meets an unlikely spiritual
guide and goes through a rapid awakening that involves facing and releasing the
ego while turning to the inner strength and focus that is found in the present
moment. What the world calls brave and strong is actually a facade over fear. The
Spirit works with the mind to develop true strength. Through trust and discipline,
the teacher and student can collapse time to awaken to the truth of our equality.
It is a masterpiece in showing where true healing lies and that all sickness is
judgment and faulty perception. Enjoy the simplicity and strength of living with
one purpose.

Powder – The power of thought
The world is afraid of what it cannot understand, label, and categorize. Powers
and abilities of the mind that go beyond accepted norms, as well as appearances
that stand out, are both judged harshly. Yet the development of powers, abilities,
and appearances that defy traditional explanations are natural phenomenon as the
mind evolves beyond limiting beliefs. The greatest desire of our hearts is to go
Home, to go back to the Source of our Being.

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