Pittsburg State University Tour
Of Chateau Pensmore
Of Chateau Pensmore
Pittsburg State University • 1701 Broadway Street •
Pittsburg, KS 66762 • (620) 231-7000
Pitt State is a campus of 7,400+ students where the student to faculty ratio is 18:1, and students can choose from over 100 academic programs. Within six months of graduation, approx. 80% of graduates are either gainfully employed or in advanced studies.
Construction Management
Construction Class Demonstration The program begins with a laboratory approach to construction materials and methods education then proceeds through appropriate laboratory and construction project management and engineering coursework. Students select one of the following areas of emphasis to complement the construction and general education courses:
Building Information Modeling (BIM) - Civil Construction - Company Management
Field Management - Residential Construction - Safety Management
#BeAGorilla @ Pittsburg State University!
We are consistently striving to offer innovative, revolutionary products that make building easier, faster, better and affordable for the builder and end-user. One way to achieve this is by training builders and contractors on the most effective and efficient methods for installing our systems. We carefully select our installers and spend time with them in the field to ensure both their success and ours.
At TF, we offer TF University - a series of installation training seminars that are designed to meet the needs of the builder. We offer half and full day classes throughout the country, all year long.
If you are interested in expanding your product offering, increasing your customer base and build more responsibly, call us today.
"The seminar covered the subject in great detail - good job!"
- Habitat for Humanity attendee
"Thanks alot! I can't wait to find land and get a blueprint and begin building!"
- Homeowner attendee
"TF has an exceptional staff of employees.
Their experience is extraordinary."
- Contractor
"I always pick up a few good tips each year!"
- Contractor/Installer
Pensmore™, Pensmore Mansion, Steven T. Huff, Steven T. Huff Pensmore, TF Forming System, Disaster Proof Homes, Tornado Resistant, Energy Efficient Home, Tornado Resistant Home, Tornado Resistant Building,TransForm, TransForm™, Vertical ICF, VerticalForm, Insulated Concrete Form (ICF), ICF concrete homes, insulated concrete commercial buildings, Building Green, DISASTER RESISTANCE, SUSTAINABILITY, ENERGY CONSERVATION, Disaster Proof Building, Disaster Resistant Building, Chateau Pensmore,
#Pensmore™, #PensmoreMansion, #StevenTHuff, #StevenHuff #Pensmore, #TFFormingSystem, #DisasterProofHomes, #TornadoResistant, #EnergyEfficientHome, #TornadoResistantHome, #TornadoResistantBuilding, #TransForm,#TransForm™,#VerticalForm,#InsulatedConcreteForm, #(ICF), #ICF, #concretehomes, #insulatedconcrete, #commercialbuildings, #BuildingGreen, #DISASTERRESISTANCE, #SUSTAINABILITY, #ENERGYCONSERVATION, #DisasterProofBuilding, #DisasterResistant Building, #Tornado
All photos and videos © 2014 by Buddy Huggins and TF Forming Systems and
Pensmore.com their respective copyright owners.
No photograph may be used without permission.
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