Sunday, June 25, 2023

How I Received the Vision for One Voice Now | Dave Frank

In this captivating video, Dave Frank shares his extraordinary experience of receiving the vision for One Voice Now. It all began when his life took an unexpected turn one morning, leading to a series of profound moments. Watch as Dave recounts the mesmerizing events, where his life replayed before his eyes and a divine message was revealed. Discover the significance of television, smart phones, and computers as tools for empowering the people. Join Dave on this transformative journey that showcases the true potential of technology in shaping our collective future.




The World is waiting for America to lead.  America now has the Plan and Technology to give Every Citizen One Voice Now.  The plan can NOW be used in Every Country around the World giving a Voice and Freedom to all Citizens of the World Equally!


Our mission is to educate and give a voice to the people of our community by establishing the communication technology, which allows them to participate and have a continuous voice on governmental, political, and community issues.


Fixing America starts locally. The fix isn’t in Washington, Indianapolis, Lansing, or any other
state capitol. The people in each locality, communicating and working together, provide the only
way to build a bright future for our children and theirs.

Here is the basic idea. Specifically,

  1. YOU THE PEOPLE raise the issues to make your community better.

  2. YOU THE PEOPLE watch debates on those issues on TV, Internet, Phone, or listen to it on the Radio

  3. YOU THE PEOPLE vote on those issues with any touch tone phone.

The Politicians have figured this trick out a long time ago. They have been remapping America forever with Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is remapping a district so they can get either elected or re-elected.

The Postal Service figured it out by remapping America with Zip Codes.

The Phone Company figured it out by Remapping America with Area Codes..

NOW! We the People have to figure it out...In order to get Organized, We the People have to Remap America as well...Your Community will now look like a Hexagon....

The Plan is simple..Use Your Local Public Broadcasting Station as Your Local Issue Channel...Build a Community Computer that will House Your Community Voter Data Base. Citizens can watch Issues that Affect Their Lives over the Television and Vote by Phone on Interested Issues. The Computer will Prevent people from Voting more than once..A 21st Century Of the People, By the People and finally, For the People System...



Friday, June 23, 2023

Living a spiritual life - Words By: Gary Sigler

Living a spiritual life is not about works.  It’s about being a manifestation of God on this earth.  I love what Stacy Wood shared with me a few years ago.  He said, you can go down to the ocean and take a cup and scoop out the water.  And in that water is everything that the ocean is, all of the elements and the minerals and the salt.  Everything of the ocean is in that cup, but that cup is not all of the ocean. 

 Everything that God is, all of His wonderful attributes, the wonderful expression that He is, all the loveliness is in me, but I’m not all of God. I love what Paul told the Ephesians.  This is Amplified translation, but He said, “The church is the fullness of Him who fills everything, everywhere with Himself.”  You see, that is the true expression of the church.  And that is why I say the church age isn’t over.  The religious age is over, but the church is just beginning to stand up in all of her beauty and glory.  A people being raised up in the consciousness of God; we have no Condemning judgment, we refuses to look on one another according to the flesh. 

 Today we understand that all men are spiritual beings.  All men have been lowered into this flesh realm, and have lost their way, have lost their understanding of where they came from and who they are.  So we hold aught against no man.  We have no wrongful judgment against any man.

  John 4:13, “Whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: but whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst.

  I used to read that and say, “Oh my God!”  I was always hungry and thirsty after God.  I was never satisfied.  I never found the reality that I was searching for.  I would read scriptures like “I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.” And I’d ask, “God, where is it?” Because I thought the life abundant was in my performance, and because I wasn’t performing as a good Christian, then I couldn’t believe these things were so for me.  I thought that for these things to be so I had to correct my outward condition.  And that is what keeps us in darkness.

  “Out of our innermost being flows that living water.”  It’s not on the outside of us.  We have created our life today the way we are?”  God didn’t do it.  We have created our experience today.  In the past we’ve done that by default because we have not known the truth of our being.  What I mean by that is, we have unconsciously created our condition.  I didn’t consciously create a body of sickness and disease.  We have been unconscious creators.  We have believed the lies that we’ve been taught.  We’ve believed all the divisive things that we’ve been taught.  But now we are having an awakening to know we have the mind of Christ, and we’re letting this mind function in us and we are refusing to think about the negative thoughts. 

 We are refusing be anxious about where our next meal is coming from when our boss gives us the last paycheck.  We are refusing to accept the circumstances that we may be in now because we know the truth.  And because we know the truth and we understand that we are now operating out of the mind of Christ, we are becoming a conscious creator, which simply means that if you don’t like circumstances, you have the power to change them.  And we are just learning this understanding.  And we’re not going to change overnight, but we are changing.  Death and life are in the power of our tongue.  You may not believe it, and you don’t believe it or you wouldn’t be speaking the way you do.  I’m talking to myself when I say, “I”.  I’m not pointing fingers.  But you see; we are learning to control our tongue. We are learning not to speak negative thoughts but speak life, light and love to ourselves and everyone else.

Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - 


Thursday, June 15, 2023

What I Saw on My Bicycle Ride Thursday, June 15, 2023


Monday, June 12, 2023

I'll Take You Back - Words By: Gary Sigler

It is a great tragedy that people are walking around on the earth lost, not knowing where they came from or who they are. Even most of God’s people are in despair and despondency because they are living in a false identity, not being able to identify with their true nature. It is so sad that multitudes of people have a heart for God, yet they are so confused as to who they are, why they are here, and where they came from. Some of you have heard me minister on a song written by Linda Musgrove of Cunningham, Texas. For those of you who have not heard this song, I will quote it here:

I’ll take you back to where you were in Me before the fall of man. I’ll restore your soul. I’ll reconcile your heart. I’ll give you back your true identity. I’m removing the veil from your eyes so that you can clearly see you will be with Me in paradise on this earth you’ll walk with Me.

The message of this song has been such a blessing to me, confirming many things that the Lord has revealed to me. The more I hear this song, and the more I sing this song, the more God unveils my eyes to the reality of why I’m here. One of the things the Lord said to me through this song was, “My people are beginning to move and minister from the Holy of Holies.”

For years, we’ve had the message of the three feasts (Passover—Outer Court, Pentecost—Holy Place, and Tabernacles—Holy of Holies). For many years, I was in the Outer Court, always confessing my sins and finding forgiveness, but not finding deliverance from the sin principle in my life. Then I spent a lot of time in the Holy Place—in Pentecost. This is where there is a mixture—the natural and the spiritual in the same temple. It is God in me, which is a marvelous revelation. Then I spent many years trying to get from the Holy Place into the Holy of Holies. I did not realize that what I was taught—and how I was going about walking through this experience—was totally opposite from what it should have been.

Living From The Holy of Holies

Finally, God opened my eyes to where I came from and to my true identity. I then began to realize that the Holy of Holies is not some place to which I need to attain. It is the realm in which I (the new creation man) really live. When I began to realize that I am a spiritual person on a human journey and God began to unveil my eyes to my true identity, I began to walk in His love and His compassion and His forgiveness. I no longer had to try to get into the Holy of Holies. I just needed to live from the new creation person that I am.

The experience of Tabernacles is not living and ministering from the Outer Court or the Holy Place. Tabernacles is living and ministering from our spirit, the Holy of Holies. We do not live from the Outer Court or the Holy Place. We do not have to attain to anything. Many believe we must be processed into this place. I do admit that it seems like a processing as long as you are living in a religious mindset, trying to overcome by natural means and methods. However, once you experience Christ, your true nature, arising in you, you realize that He does not need to be processed. It is not processing that we need. It is the renewing of our mind that will cause us to experience who we really are. As the song says, we need to have the veil removed that has been cast over our eyes. People have tried so many ways, so many methods, so many religions, to gain back favor with God, not knowing the depth of His love and His forgiveness. God is now giving us back our true identity. He is restoring our soul and reconciling our heart.

When God unveils your eyes and your mind is renewed, you realize that you are a spiritual being and that you have always been a spiritual being. When you entered into this physical realm, you came into a realm of total darkness and death, not knowing who you were or where you came from. That is what happened to all of us, and that is why we need to be RE-generated. Upon entering into this physical realm, we lost our identity. We are all here by choice and have forgotten why we came. God is now giving us back our true identity, and we are waking up to our true nature. “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” (Eph. 5:) “Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.” (Isa. 52:2)

Shake yourself from the dust (the carnal human reasoning). You are not a natural carnal human. You are a spiritual being. In Genesis, Chapter 1, God created man in His image. In Genesis, Chapter 2, God formed man from the dust of the ground. These two verses seem to be contradictory. Did God create man or form man? In Genesis 1, God created spiritual beings. That is our true nature and substance. We are spiritual beings. God is the Father of our spirit. God is spirit, and He crated spirits. He is not the Father of our fallen flesh. Jesus said to those that wanted to kill Him, “Ye are of your father the devil.” John 8:44) ( To live by “your father the devil” is to live from the natural carnal reasoning and understanding. When Jesus told His disciples that He was going to the cross, Peter said, “Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.” (Matt. 16:22) Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind me satan.” Peter was speaking from his natural mind.

After God created man in Genesis, Chapter 1, He then formed man from the dust of the ground in Genesis, Chapter 2. In Chapter 1, we were created a spiritual being; and in Chapter 2, we were lowered into the flesh realm. WAKE UP, you who are sleeping; and you will discover that you are a spiritual being in the likeness of your Father God. When this realization hits you, your struggling days are over. You can then begin to enter into His rest and watch His life unfold within you. As I have shared before, your spiritual being will flow into your mind so that you have the mind of Christ, your spirit will flow into your emotion so that you walk in the love of God, and your spirit will flow into your will so that you will naturally want to do the will of God.

It is your nature to please God and to be pure in all things. You see, this is your true nature and identity. Jesus was our example of what we are once we are RE-generated. I realize you must have your eyes opened to experience this; and if you will ask God, He will reveal to you your true nature. Words By: Gary Sigler - Listen to the song go here'llTakeYouBack.mp3

The Music Ministry of
Linda and Stacy Musgrove

To order Linda's music you can write:
Linda Musgrove
PO Box 111
Cunningham TX 75434

Tape 10.00
CD 15.00

#GarySigler #LindaMusgrove #StacyMusgrove
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Sunday, June 11, 2023


5G IS NOT WHAT THEY ARE TELLING US  -  5g is not a consumer service or technology. 5G will damage your health, destroy your privacy and change the way you live for the worse. This video explains why and how. This video is based on the following article on Activist Post:   -

Take Notice:  Of how I hashtag my local TV stations and do the same in your local area.

#Ozarknews #ky3news #KOLR10News #ozarksfoxam #KOLR10 #KOLR #ozarks #ozarkmo #springfieldmo #BransonMO #finishstrong417 #ksprnews #kspr33 #kspr #ozarksfox #ozarknewsletter #ksprtv #ky3tv #finleyfarms #bassproshops #basspro #ozarkmill #thegarrison #FinleyFarm #johnnymorris #ChateauPensmore #Pensmore #PensmoreMansion


We Have A Sirius Problem Here!

Thanks for all of your ongoing support. I continue to do this because I feel there are still more than need to wake up from their spirit of slumber. I'd rather be doing something else but this is a fight for your very soul and that makes it priority number 1. We are called to be watchmen but need your help getting the information to others. It is not recommended content by the main stream platforms and is some of the most suppressed content on the web. Share It Please!

Feel free to download and make copies of everything on my website (while it is still available) with discretion of course.


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

We are the House of God - Words By: Gary Sigler

Gary Sigler Ministries  #GarySigler
We are the House of God - Words By: Gary Sigler 

But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” Micah 4:1-2

 The reason today that people are not flocking by the multitudes to the House of God is because God’s people have not really understood and do not know in reality that they are the House of God. We sing songs about it, "Know ye not, know ye not, ye are the temple," and many others, but we have not experienced much of what we sing songs about. We know intellectually that we are the House of the Lord, because we have been taught it for years.

 In these days God is revealing and unveiling Christ within a people. Doctrines without the reality will no longer satisfy us. We are hungering and thirsting after Christ to be formed in us. If you haven't seen this yet, if it is still mostly intellectual teaching or doctrine for you, I can promise you that if you are hungry for truth God is going to unveil your eyes and you are going to literally see that  you are the House of God. Then you will be able to understand, and know of a certainly that Christ in you is the hope of glory.

 The people of the Lord are the most beautiful people on the earth today. Yet, many of them are  discouraged, disheartened, and disappointed, because what they know and have been taught, for the most part has not become experiential for them. All this has been for a purpose --- to make us realize we can't make it happen. There is not even a slim chance that you, in your human personality, and your carnal nature, are going to make it. But there is an awakening taking place and a shaking in God’s people today. There's a stirring going on inside of us that no man, not even your carnal mentality, can stop. God is rising in His Temple and nothing will stop it from coming forth. If you do not have this understanding, go to God, and ask him to reveal to you the truth, the revelation of His Spirit in you, the Christ of God.

 We Live by the Life of God

 ”But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also give life to your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you We have within us the Spirit of the Living God. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from among the dead now dwells in our being. Once we have been regenerated by His Spirit. We are overcomers. But when we say we are overcomers, and continue to look at our past failures, we may feel that that's not true because we're looking at our carnal nature thinking that someday we are going to overcome that nature,  which is impossible.

 Our carnal mentality will never overcome. If you have been born again by the Spirit of the Living God, you are no longer a carnal human being. It is not your carnal nature but it's the Spirit of God in you that's the overcomer. You must understand that it is the Spirit of God in you that is the overcomer. If you really understand that, you don't have any more struggles with the flesh. My heart cries out to God every day, "Give your people a revelation. Open the eyes of their understanding." As long as you are trying to overcome in the flesh with the natural man, you will miss what God is doing. Yet if you have a revelation of Christ within you and realize that you are an overcomer, then you will begin to overcome. An overcomer always overcomes. You have an overcomer in you. In fact, you are the overcomer. But it's not the "I" that's the personal ego, it's the "I" that is Christ. It is what Paul said so many years ago, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Gal 2:20.

Watch the video for the full message.


Beyond Treason FULL LENGTH Documentary - Truth About Depleted Uranium

The true story of how depleted uranium was used during the Gulf War, just to destroy tanks, yet, it destroyed the soil, killed thousands of American troops after the fact, and caused the birth defects in countless children, both Iraqis and Americans.


Friday, June 2, 2023

The Fall of the Cabal - THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT - ReMix 06-02-2023

Use the Playback Speed Button to Speed IUP!

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