Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
illuminatiMatrix - What In The World Is Going On? What is The Egregore?
Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.
What In The World’s Going On?
Thousands of years ago this 3 dimensional existence began. Or at least, it appeared to begin. When it began, … and how it began, … has been the age old question that has been toyed with but never adequately answered to this day. The information presented in this video and the companion blog site illuminatiMATRIX.wordpress.com, lays the groundwork, the foundation, for when this all began.
Prepare yourself as this information will not be easy to assimilate. You’ll experience all types of emotions as you attempt to comprehend the information. If it becomes difficult to go through the whole video in one take, leave it for a while, even a few days, but do persevere, and grasp as much information as quickly as you can.
So, if you’re ready … we’re going to have a look at where we came from …
The screen in front of you is empty …
Now imagine the empty screen is the totality of everything that is …
even though there’s no shape … no colour … and no sound.
As you look at the screen in front of you … what do you see?
You see nothing.
As you look at the screen in front of you … what do you know?
You know a lot.
Even though you don’t see anything on the screen, you still know … and have locked up inside you, a vast storehouse of knowing. At this point in time, and in this scenario we’re contemplating, what you know may be correct, or it may be incorrect. It makes no difference. You still have an incredible amount of information recorded somewhere within you, even though you can’t see anything.
Imagine again, that all that knowing you possess, has within it, the power and strength to exist forever. There’s no beginning and no end. You have the power and wisdom to be eternal. Imagine that you’re filled with this knowing and completely possessed with this eternal power and strength. This is about as powerful as anyone could hope to be.
Let’s imagine that this knowing not only exists in you, but it exists in every person on the planet. It’s not something you have to go out and find, it’s just there, in you and in everyone that ever walked on the face of the earth.
Now imagine that someone, or a group of individuals, with that same eternal power, also wanted to have your power, and my power. Imagine that this group wanted to take possession of all that is ours. However, they can’t take it from us by force, because it’s locked inside us, and it is who we are. Still, they desire to at least control it. This group wished for our power to work in unison with their power, and the enormity of that combined strength of power and knowing would make them greater than the greatest … the most massive force in existence…
they would appear to be GOD…
The information presented here, will show you who and what god is, what religion is, what science and intellectualism is, and how to eliminate the control these fabricated illusory systems have on our lives.
Keep watching the screen and it will be demonstrated how they went about taking control of our existence. How they took control of our reality and took control of our eternity. It will also be demonstrated how to take back that control of our existence, our reality and our eternity … right now. We’ll see how to reconnect to our wisdom and awareness which is the power and strength, … the knowing, … of the eternal state. This wisdom and awareness is something we already have. There’s nothing we have to do except reconnect to it.
Here’s how they disconnected us from wisdom and reality.
Thinking – The Process of Manipulation
Through a process called thinking, the root, the seed of manipulation, was planted by the patron of thinking.
A patron is someone who has the right to appoint or to bestow a priviledge. Let’s call this patron … a proton. The positive originator, or father of thinking. Let’s call this father of thinking – Thought.
The seed of thinking, the seed of this patron father, is neutral. Not a patron, or a proton, not mature enough to have seed of its own … simply neutral. We’ll call this a neutron … and we’ll call it the son. This is the seed, or son, of the father. This neutron son / seed is one with the father proton, matching one for one, only a bit smaller in size. The son isn’t the positive originator of thought, he’s neutral, he’s a peaceful son.
This is the beginning of thought … the beginning of thinking.
The next step in the manipulation process, in the thinking process, is the introduction of seduction. It’s a grand concept to fabricate the concept of thinking, but just one thought isn’t going to manipulate anyone loose of their connection to reality.
This group of thinkers then thought to introduce something that would manufacture a form of perpetuity in this whole notion of taking control. Something that would be a place of reproducing the whole thinking process over and over and over again … endlessly. With virtually no further effort other than directing the course of thinking until it reached it’s final conclusion of total control and the complete submission of everything … unto them.
The introduction of this next stage of thinking would have to cause motion, vibrations and energy. Without motion or energy, the proton and neutron, the father and son, would lie dormant, nothing more than a thought without purpose. The concept of an opposite to the positive proton, was conjured up. We’ll call this the elect lady, the negative attraction that would perpetually spark the imagination of the father proton. We’ll call this elect lady – the electron.
The electrons would be small, much smaller than the father proton or the neutron son. In fact, over 1800 times smaller. This electron would spin around the proton and neutron, held in orbit by the attraction to the male, yet keeping a distance, yet flirting endlessly for the male to pounce.
But why stop there! Introduce another elect lady, and another … make it a whole harem of elect ladies, flirting, and circling the male, creating a womb of protection for the seed of the father to grow and reproduce another just like themselves, again and again, … endlessly.
We’ll call this womb, the nucleus. This womb will be the room, the birthplace, of the neutron son seed, within the womb of the mother. This mother … we’ll call matter. This womb of the mother, this room of matter, is called the nucleus, for it produced the new clay of us.
Matter is that which occupies space. Even though this mother electron is just a thought from the group of thinkers, it orbits the father and the son at the speed of thought, thereby occupying space, conjuring up the illusion of matter.
Observe closely, the nucleus forms a hexagon in this 2 dimensional demonstration. The hexagon is the form of 2 overlapping triangles, which have been created by the electrons orbiting the proton and neutron. This hexagon is the HEX placed on humanity through the adoration of the mother / woman. This has been implanted through the thought process of this unseen group of thinkers.
From the void and emptiness of nothing, … thought conjured up something. Within this grouping of the father proton, the son neutron and the mother electron, the whole of everything is formed. This is the first atom, the beginning in the womb of thought. This is the matrix womb. Thought formed this energy that glowed as an electrically charged atom. This glowing in turn, produced light.
What you see in front of you, is a 2 dimensional representation of the atom symbol, that represents a ray of light. This was created, or conjured up by thought.Thought is the Egyptian god THOTH, the creator of almost every activity known to man. Thought is spelled T H O T H. This god is responsible for the alphabet, writing, speaking, the sciences, religion, … you name it, and Thoth is responsible for it.
The Egyptians credited Thoth with the works of science, religion, philosophy and magic. The Greeks credited Thoth as the inventor of Astronomoy, Astrology, the Science of Numbers, Mathematics, Geometry, Land Surveying, Medicine, Botany, Theology, Civilized Government, the Alphabet, Reading, Writing, and Oratory. Thoth was the true author of every work of every branch of knowledge, both human and divine.
This concept of Thought as the Egyptian god Thoth, has it’s counterpart in Greek mythology as Hermes, and to the Romans, he is Mercury. These are just different names for the same god.
El, spelled E L, is mentioned as the father of all gods in Egyptian mythology. El is the inspiration for the term EL-ectricity. Electricity is produced by the elect lady, the electrons of the atom. All those who were faithful to this god El, the god of matter, became the elect, the chosen and faithful. These were the saints of god who were promised riches and power, and would rule and reign with El, if they would just put their faith in him.
This was the covenant, the agreement made between god and man. This covenant was kept in an ark, the ark of the covenant. The ark is the electrical arcing characteristic of electricity. If anyone touched the ark, other than the high priest, they would be struck dead.
El is the great architect of the universe, the creator god, the bringer of light. The word architect is again referring to the arcing ability of electricity and the manipulating aspect of light as it conjures up anything that is able to be thought up. As demonstrated, everything in this 3 dimensional existence is the result of thought. Thought was inspired by El, the father of all gods. Everything that we see is of thought or light.
The atom symbol formed by Thoth is another Egyptian god called Atum. Atum … spelled A T U M … was called the complete one. The finisher of the earth. Atum was the one who returned to the watery chaos at the end of the creative cycle. Remember this characteristic about Atum. He’s the one who returns to watery chaos at the end of the creative cycle.
To understand the significance of this statement, read the information presented on the companion blog site to this video. The interconnection to the Global Warming scenarion is presented at length. The address is illuminatiMATRIX.wordpress.com, or go to BryanKemila.com and click on illuminatiMATRIX.
This is the first man / woman, the first Adam. Adam and Eve are the names given to the 2 reproductive characteristics of the atom and the light. Adam refers to the atom form, and Eve refers to the light emanating from that form. Eve is the dawning of creation, the coming of the light. Eve is likewise, the evening, the end of the light. This symbolizes the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, of the bringer of light. Adam and Eve together, are symbolic names for the electrically charged atom symbol, which in turn symbolize the light bringer, the bright morning and evening stars. Together they represent the creator of light, the creator god called lucifer, …who is the light bringer.
The Adam and the Eve that form the light, form the lie or deception, created by the light. The light is the lie. This lie is the eye of the illuminated ones, or the enlightened ones. This is the ALL SEEING EYE. In this way, Eve, the symbolic morning and evening light, produces the physical light, which is the ability to see. The ability to see in this 3 dimensional existence is produced by the electricity contained within the atom.
We are further told that Thoth gave birth to Nefertum. He was a type of young Atum. Nefertum was referred to as the sunrise, which means, ‘He who is beautiful’. This corresponds to the concept of Lucifer, the bright and morning star, who led the way for the sunrise and the approaching dawn.
You can see from all this mythology, that it is firmly entrenched in the structure of an atom symbol. The atom symbol was conjured up with just the slightest notion of thought, from the Egyptian sun god Thoth.
The light now fills the earth with its rays. This is yet another Egyptian sun god called Re (ray), or Ra, or again, Amen Ra. This name, like the names of all the Egyptian gods, are inspired by the form of the atom symbol. The atom symbol is the oldest sex ritual symbol in the world, and if you look closely at it, you’ll see that the six pointed star is formed by the intersecting lines of the electron orbits. The six pointed star is also referred to as the oldest sex ritual symbol in the world. The six pointed star is the star of lucifer, the star of god and thestar of David, the divider, the duality god, … and is the star of Israel.
Subliminal Messaging
What has just been demonstrated is how everything was conjured up through thought. If you noticed, the words of the functioning elements in this demonstration, and the names ultimately given to the different characteristics used, sounded similar to each other. This is the basis and nature of manipulation. These similarities, although different, are close enough to send a message to our powerful subconscious reasoning, convincing us to register a certain thought, even though we’re unaware, in a total sense, of what that thought is. This is called subliminal messaging. It is the foundation and the basis for the total manipulation and disconnection of all humanity, from reality. This is the tool … used by the luciferian egregore of thinking beings, to bring all of humanity under total control, to make us servants subject to lunacy, thereby causing us to reliquish our strength and freedom, that these luciferian thinkers might reign as gods.
It is this knowledge, called kabbalism,… the ability to manipulate matter, one molecule at a time, that the elite of the world have used … to perpetuate the kingdom of these fabricated gods on earth. Thinking themselves to be the saints of god, the elect, and the divinely appointed rulers of humanity, they apply the principles of subliminal messaging, taught to them by the luciferian group of thinkers, through the intellectual institutions of the world. Thereby creating a hypnotic trance, in which all of humanity flounders around in confusion, fear, stress and disease.
This kabbalistic information has been handed down through the religious and intellectual systems that have plagued the world since the beginning of this conjured up creation. Kabbalism kicked into high gear with the onslaught of the Renaissance, around the year 1000 AD. The Renaissance, literally means, theRebirth of Thinking. This is not to say that the luciferian egregore group stopped thinking previous to that. What this does say, is that the push for total domination, … total submission … and total control was now on.
What we’ll focus on next is how this conjuring up of light manipulates all of humanity and how to reconnect to our awareness, wisdom and the eternal power that is rightfully ours.
Light Manipulation
Everything that’s visible within this 3 dimensional space, is light. If matter is accelerated to the speed of light, times the speed of light, it becomes energy, which is light. All that exists is formed from energy and light.
For thousands of years, humanity has contemplated, and asked repeatedly, where did we come from? The information you’ve just heard explained the origin of everything, … the source of light … and the creation of all 3 dimensional matter … which is energy.
Before light existed there was a void of nothingness. A like-minded luciferian group of beings took upon themselves to control this void of nothingness. This void contains all the greatness of the eternal state. These beings desired to control for themselves, all the power and wisdom of this nothingness, and thereby be worshipped as god.
Here’s how it works.
The name lucifer, … means light bringer, or light bearer. The name lucifer is derived from the Latin words … lucem ferre. Lucem means light, and ferre means bringer, or bearer. Lucem ferre is lucifer. Genesis – chapter one of the Old Testament, fills in, without any doubt, who the light bringer is, and who, or what … Lucifer is.
Genesis 1:1 & 3 states…’In the beginning god … created the heaven and the earth …god said … let there be light; and there was light.
We’ve only read up to verse 3, and already, a hypnotic trance has been established. Very few will question that there even is a god, so anything that’s written after these words, is like shooting ducks in a barrel. Interestingly, thissame concept of the light bringer, the day star, or the bright and morning star, has been applied to Jesus as well. In the New Testament in Revelation 22:16 … ” we read where Jesus said of himself … ‘I Jesus… I am… the bright and morning star’.
Here we see that god is lucifer, the light bringer. However, god is not just one supreme being, but a group entity, an egregore group thought form, … agreeing together … to appear as god. They’ve created the world systems of duality based on right and wrong, … good and bad. They play the role of a good god and a bad devil. This luciferian mindset shows itself in history, as the mythical gods of old, each with a particular characteristic. These gods, when taken together, form the egregore group of thinking entities.
God said … ‘Let there be light…” God SPOKE.
Speaking a word requires a thought.
The word that this egregore god spoke was a thought. Every thought is a word.
All words have sound. Even sounds not audible to our physical ears, have sound.
Sounds vibrate. Thoughts, … which are words, …which are sounds, …vibrate.
Vibration is energy.
Energy has a strange characteristic, in that it glows.
Glowing is light.Therefore, thoughts are light.
Everything you see, is just a thought . . . conjured up by the luciferian group of thinkers, and everything you see … is formed by thought.
Following this thought, … to word, … to sound trail, … ultimately leads to the creation of light. The very nature of light is to corrupt. This thought process, called thinking, has created the corruptible 3 dimensional realm. Everything in this 3D space, corrupts and dies. Light is nothing more than thought; and the thought form of the luciferian thinkers is designed to create death, thereby controlling humanity through the fear of death. This god purposely and wilfully created the concept know as death, and that’s all death is, … a concept.
Death is an illusion!
A manipulation of light through thought. Manipulating humanity with this illusion instills fear and desperation
Fear is the foundational characteristic that allows hypnotic, subliminal, thought, light patterns to be focused … and injected into, … and forced to pass through, our crystal brain. Our human 3 dimensional brain has the same physical characteristics as that of a solid crystal … or prism, except in liquid form. There’s nothing godly, loving, or sweet about this group entity or it’s method of manipulation. For thousands of years, the use of fear and desperation has resulted in murders, wars, bloodletting, and endless disease. Children have been tortured, women have been raped, and men have marched blindly off the end of the plank into the ocean of hypocrisy and death. This has all been courtesy of the god of the Bible, the god of love, the god of the old and new testaments, the god of the koran, the god of Buddha, the god of every religion and intellectual system known to man. This is the god of light, the luciferian light bringer.
Genesis 1 continues to say that, ‘God saw the light, that it was good’. … But good for who? Obviously, good for those who were using it to control humanity through the manipulation of light. Yet again, we have another subliminal. God doesn’t say that anything is bad, … it’s just implied, …suggested … implanted … if light is good, … then something must be bad.
Intellectual Perspective On How We See
When we consider how we see things in this 3D space, we’re told, from an intellectual perspective, that light enters through the pupil of our eye, where it strikes the back of the eye where it’s reversed, and then travels along a neurological path to our brain, where it’s flipped right side up again, and we see an image.
Unfortunately, this is incorrect. Light is thought, … and the thought of what we are intended to see is implanted within the liquid crystal prism of our brain. The suggestion, which originated from the luciferian mindset, travels through the crystal brain, and similar to a ray of light passing through a rain shower, … a rainbow of 3 dimensional colour, form and sound explodes in front of us. Whatever suggestion is attached to that explosion emanating from our crystal brain determines colour, shape, depth, sound… and so on. The things we see, the sounds we hear, the smells we smell … all these details are within the thought, … which is the word, the sound, the vibration, the energy, the glowing, … and is the light. This has all been implanted in our brains as subliminal suggestion, and we believe it. Because we believe our senses, and all the suggestion attached to them, it seems real. Even the sun, moon and stars that reflect light to our eyes make up the hypnotic suggestion to convince us that what we see is real. It¹s only light. It’s just a seductive, illusory, convincing thought form, conjured up by the luciferian group of thinkers.
Stage Hypnotist
The simplest way to understand this is to imagine a stage hypnotist with his subject in a trance. The hypnotist suggests certain things, and the subject is only able to see … and hear … those things the hypnotist is suggesting. The subject can hear the voice of the hypnotist and true to the suggestion he can see a giraffe, … or an elephant, or whatever is suggested. The hypnotized subject can’t see the audience, … can’t hear them laughing … the subject can only recognize those things the hypnotist suggests.
Why can’t the hypnotized subject see the audience, or anything … other than what the hypnotist suggests? Simply because the suggestion is a subliminal thought, a word, and it created a whole new light pattern to emanate from the entranced subject’s eyes. His eyes and ears still function, but because the thought implanted in the crystal brain has changed, then the reality of what seems to be real, also changes. The hypnotized subject¹s eyes and ears work perfectly, but the reality is, the hypnotized subject can’t see anything other than the words suggested.
But Why? Why can’t the subject in a trance see anything else?
Because the audience and everything associated outside the trance state, really isn’t there.
If the audience members were really there, really 3 dimensional, and really solid, … then the eyes of the subject in the trance state would see them. The audience can’t be seen because the audience is just light, just a thought, and when the new reality state, the new thought pattern, doesn’t include them any longer, they cease to appear as a 3 dimensional form. The audience didn’t die, … didn’t leave the theatre … the subliminal messaging changed, the reality shifted, and they ceased to appear as 3 dimensional.
From this, we have to keep in mind, that light goes out of our eye. This is how we see. Light is a thought implanted in our crystal brain and explodes into a 3 dimensional rainbow of forms, right before our eyes.
Thought patterns are contrived to distract us from our place in the present moment.
There is no such thing as time and space, just a 3 dimensional light illusion simulating something called time and space.
When we can be manipulated to leave the present moment, the seduction of the thought-energy-light illusion is able to control our strength and power. Staying in the present moment of awareness allows us to reconnect to our original state.
We’re no longer manipulated to be concerned over the past or the future. Since time is non-existent, … then concern for the past or future is to forfeit your awareness for something that doesn¹t exist. Only the present moment exists. Staying in the moment, by simply watching and waiting, not reacting ever,reconnects us to reality, allows us to take back our power from this luciferian egregore group of thinkers. The MANIPULATION … by the 3 dimensional physical state of everything is nullified… as we connect to the eternal state of awareness, that state of NO-THING that state of no 3 dimensional thing, … which in turn … is nothingness. Our power and strength, our wisdom and knowing, exists in the moment before thought.
We have no thoughts of our own. All thoughts are implanted by the perpetual motion set into play from the beginning of creation. We are taught to believe that a thought can originate with us. It can’t. The 3 dimensional system implants all our thoughts so that we then experience the reality they, the luciferian thinkers, want us to have. Reconnect to wisdom. Watch and wait.
Don’t get upset when you’re instructed to. Don’t react when you’re demanded to. Don’t resist when you think you want to. Don’t try to suppress your feelings when they tell you to suppress your feelings. Just observe these thinkers telling you to suppress your feelings … and this little act of watching and waiting putsyou in control of you. You reconnect with your awareness and the manipulation perpetuated through the religious and intellectualism systems of the world is neutralized.
Nothingness is our original eternal state of patience, joy, beauty, caring, knowing and freedom. It’s the power of this awareness that these entities desire to control.
You’ll notice that the octagon symbol appears in red as a familiar stop sign. This is a symbol of total control. The octagon symbol is a major subliminal message used to seductively manipulate humanity into the precarious position of a pending devastation. This octagon is formed from one of the light atom symbols, which isa zodiac cross. This is the sun god on the cross. The light atom symbol is one cross. When you take this cross and give it a 45 degree twist, then overlay it behind the first light atom symbol, in effect, what you have are 2 crosses which were used to form the atom symbol. These 2 crosses now form what is called, theDouble Cross. This is the cross of religion and intellectualism. This is thecross of duality and the cross of death, deceit, destruction and every diabolical system known to man.
Not only is this Double Cross the subliminal shape of the stop sign, a symbol of total control, it is the shape of the Freedom Tower being built to replace the World Trade Centre in New York City. This tower has nothing to do with freedom, but has everything to do with the destruction of the undesirables, or, in luciferian language, the cleansing of the ungodly from the face of the earth.
The elite implement this double cross at every opportunity when it comes to perpetuating and completing the agenda on behalf of the greed of the luciferian thinkers.
Their GREED … drives their DESIRE … to be worshipped as god.
Their desire fosters thought … and thought fosters the whole 3 dimensional experience …
and the rest is literally, … history!
Below are the clock faces that offer the interpretation and symbolism of the numbers used by the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities. Very simply stated, the faces and the symbolism repeats itself over subsequent clockfaces. Whatever value or symbolism is attached to the numbers on the 1st clockface, this value or symbolic interpretation applies to the numbers on the subsequent clockfaces. With a few added features, such as, any number on the 8th clockface for example, would have the original symbolism associated with the 1st clockface, plus the added symbolic notion, of being directly related to taking CONTROL, as 8 is the symbolic number of CONTROL. All numbers on the 8th clockface are therefore numbers of CONTROL as well as whatever symbolic value is assigned to them on the 1st clockface.
Here’s a short list of the symbolic number values.
1 = New Age – New Season – New World = ONE = WON = NWO = NOW
2 = DUALITY – Black and White – North / South – Up / Down
3 = Pyramid Shape of the Deity
4 = Foursquare Foundation that the luciferian agenda is built upon
6 = SACRIFICER – the Christ / Antichrist notion
7 = Perfection and Completion
8 = TOTAL CONTROL – the Octagon – the Double Cross
9 = FALL – the 1st month of the conjured up creation
10 = INTENSITY – 10 = TEN – the 10x Tables
11 = DEATH – the 1st day of the conjured up creation
12 = FULLNESS of TIME and Completion
13 = 1 – coincides with 1 and also includes the symbolism of being on the 2nd clockface and therefore the symbolism associated with DUALITY applies to all numbers on the 2nd clockface. Read all numbers this way and the intent of the luciferian thinkers is revealed.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Vaccine Mandates Are Here - By: Peak Prosperity
Friday, August 13, 2021
Thursday, August 5, 2021
WOOplosion clif_high NOTE: :New VIDEO at the Bottom of Page Check it out!"
Rumble — Mid August The OverWoo overfills the swamp....things happen. MSM pushed back to defensive postures. Normies discovering SciFi World! Normies discovering WW4.
Friends of the Original Constitution's video exposing the FEDERAL GOVT as a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention & Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People's $500 Trillion Lawsuit: to get back our money, our health, our Liberty and the original Constitution that they have stolen from us; to re-found our government and base it on the Constitution. Now & Forever!
[MeWe] https://mewe.com/join/sergeantmajorstrutherinfo
[Spreely] https://www.spreely.com/page/S....ergeantMajorsTruther
[Gab] https://gab.com/Sergeant_Major
[Bitchute] https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sergeant-major/
[Brighteon] https://www.brighteon.com/channels/sergeantmajor
[UGETube] https://videos.utahgunexchange.....com/@SERGEANT%20MAJ
[OurTube] https://ourtube.co.uk/@SGMs_Truther_Info
[NewTube] https://newtube.app/user/SGMs_TRUTHER_INFO
[BrandNewTube] https://brandnewtube.com/@SergeantMajor
[Odysee] https://odysee.com/$/invite/4d....CmT1hh84DFXxzRvUh2B8
[Lbry] https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@SergeantMajor'sTrutherInfo#21f9aff7cc7c7903e1554b8ca3134badae40e9eb
Note: The SERGEANT MAJOR'S TRUTHER INFO group with 33,500 members was deleted by FaceBook/Government on 01/24/20. The SERGEANT MAJOR'S TRUTHER INFO channel with 50,000 subscribers was deleted by YouTube/Government on 02/14/20.
"The 5 rules to AWAKENING: Rule #1 - Everything you were ever taught is a lie by design; Rule #2 - governments lie 100% of the time, they always have, and they always will; Rule #3 - the Illuminati controlled mainstream media is not reality, but rather is lies, disinformation, half-truths, and fake events carried out by gov/media hired crisis actors (aka role players); Rule #4 - Spirituality and Reincarnation are reality, whereas religions are simply government crowd control measures; and Rule #5 - this plane(t) called earth is a flat, motionless plane, it is not a spinning ball hurling through outer space. Furthermore, the 4 Sources of Disinformation that are ALWAYS FAKE: government, mainstream media news, matrix sciences, and religions." -- Sergeant Major (2010)
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
The Perfect Matrimony By Samael Aun Weor
The Perfect Matrimony,[1] or The Door to Enter Into Initiation, is the first of approximately seventy books written by Samael Aun Weor. It was first published in 1950 then revised and amplified in 1961.
It describes the esoteric teachings of alchemy, tantra, kabbalah, the mysteries of the Maya, Aztecs, ancient Egyptians, Tibetans, and Essenes, among others. The sexual aspect of religion is stressed in every religion it covers, stating bluntly that “the topic of this book is exclusively Sexual Magic.”[2] Sexual magic is explained as the synthesis of all religion. From the introduction of the 1960 edition:
- Sexual magic is practiced in esoteric Christianity. Sexual magic is practiced in Zen Buddhism. Sexual magic is practiced amongst the Initiated Yogis. Sexual magic is practiced amongst the Muslim Sufis. Sexual magic was practiced in the Initiatic Colleges of Troy, Egypt, Rome, Carthage, Eleusis. Sexual magic was practiced by the mysterious Maya, Aztec, Inca, Druids, etc.[3]
The author presents a wide selection of religion and mystery schools from esoteric viewpoints, highlighting data traditionally thought to be unimportant, or otherwise understood in an unrelated manner. The primary message is that upright sexuality, exemplified through sexual magic, is the cornerstone upon which all authentic religion, yoga and occultism is based.[4]
The Perfect Matrimony is a discourse on how to transform the sexual energy into its superior aspects via sexual transmutation.[5] It states that there are three types of Sexual Magic, or Tantra: Black, Grey, and White. Black Tantra involves the ejaculation of semen, and Grey Tantra sometimes concludes with orgasm or ejaculation, while White Tantra always opposes any loss of sexual energy whatsoever, in other words, without orgasm or ejaculation.[6] It exclusively advocates White Tantra as the path to achieve “self-realization”[7] and to “achieve cosmic consciousness.”[8] This system of classification is not found in any of the traditional Tantric texts, however it is also true that tantra yoga has been historically gupta vidya, or esoteric knowledge not contained in books.[9]
Sexual magic is explained to be the same as maithuna, sexual yoga, urdhvareta yoga.[10]
The Perfect Matrimony also states that Jesus was married and practiced sexual yoga with his wife.[11]
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
The Great Awakening
The Awakening Trilogy includes 3 videos titled The Call, The Plan and The Prophecy which are in fact One; one film, with one message, coming from One Heart, One Mind & One Spirit, Awakening us to our Oneness with ourselves, the Earth, each other… and All.
The Plan – "The Awakening Trilogy" Pt. 2
3. What can I expect life to be like on the 5th Dimension?
So in this video I hope to address these questions to the best of my knowledge.
In Tibetan Buddhism, a Bodhisattva is anyone who is motivated by compassion and seeks enlightenment not only for him/herself but also for everyone...
It is very difficult for a man who returns home after having traversed the entire city to remember in detail all of his thoughts, ideas, incidents, things, etc. Upon trying to recall, he will discover huge gaps in his memory, which correspond precisely to the most profound states of sleep. To be conscious of oneself is something very difficult, but one can attain that state by learning to live alert and vigilant from moment to moment. - Samael Aun Weor
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The profound sleep in which humanity lives is caused by fascination.
People are fascinated by everything in life. People forget their Selves because they are fascinated. The drunkard in the bar is fascinated with the alcohol, the place, the pleasures, his friends and with women. The vain woman in front of a mirror is fascinated with her own glamour. The rich avaricious person is fascinated with money and possessions. The honest worker in the factory is fascinated with the hard work. The father of the family is fascinated with his children. All human beings are fascinated and sleep profoundly. When driving a car we are astonished when we see people dashing across the roads and streets without paying attention to the danger of the running cars. Others wilfully throw themselves under the wheels of cars. Poor people...they walk asleep ... they look like sleepwalkers. They walk asleep, endangering their own lives. Any clairvoyant can see their dreams. People dream with all that keeps them fascinated.
During the physical body's sleep, the ego escapes from it. This departure of the ego is necessary so that the vital body can repair the physical body. However, in the internal worlds we can asseverate that the ego takes its dreams into the internal worlds.Remembering Oneself
The human being in his fascinated trance does not remember his Self. We must Self-Remember our Selves from moment to moment. We need to Self-Remember our Selves in the presence of every representation that could fascinate us. Let us hold ourselves while in front of any representation and ask ourselves: Where am I? Am I in the physical plane? Am I in the astral plane? Then, give a little jump with the intention of floating within the surrounding atmosphere. It is logical that if you float it is because you are outside the physical body. Thus, the outcome will be the awakening of consciousness.The purpose of asking this question at every instant, at every moment is with the intention of engraving it within the sub-consciousness, so that it may manifest later during the hours given to sleep, hours when the ego is really outside the physical body. You must know that in the astral plane, things appear just as here in this physical plane. This is why during sleep, and after death, people see everything there in a form very similar to this physical world. This is why they do not even suspect that they are outside their physical body. Therefore, no dead person ever believes himself to have died; because he is fascinated and profoundly asleep.
Complementary Practice
Every Gnostic student after waking up from their normal sleep must perform a retrospective exercise based on the process of their sleep, in order to remember all those places they visited during the hours of sleep. We already know that the ego travels a great deal, it goes towards where we have physically been, repeating all that which we have seen and heard.Therefore, it is urgent to know how to profoundly meditate and then practise what we have learned during the hours of sleep. It is necessary not to physically move at the time of wakening up because with the movement the astral is agitated and the memories are lost. It is urgent to combine the retrospective exercises with the following mantras: RAOM GAOM. Each word is divided into two syllables. One must accentuate the vowel O. These mantras are for the student what the dynamite is for the miner. Thus, as the miner opens his way through the bowels of the earth with the aid of dynamite, similarly, the student also opens his way into the memories of his sub-consciousness with the aid of these mantras.

1. Jot Niranjan
2. Omkar
3. Rarankar
4. Sohang
5. Sat Nam
Start meditating with these magic words for at least 30 minutes a day to begin with and increase your meditatiing time to 2 hours a day as soon as possible. Repeat them in the exact order that they are.
Patience and Tenacity
The Gnostic student must be infinitely patient and tenacious because powers cost a great deal. Nothing is given to us for free. Everything has a price. These studies are not for the inconsistent people, nor for people of fragile will. These studies demand infinite faith.Skeptical people must not come to our studies because occult science is very demanding. The skeptics fail totally. Thus, skeptical people will not succeed in entering the Heavenly Jerusalem.
The Four States of Consciousness
The first state of consciousness is called Eikasia.The second state of consciousness is Pistis.
The third state of consciousness is Dianoia.
The fourth state of consciousness is Nous.
The lowest part of man is irrational and subjective and is related with the five ordinary senses.
The highest part of man is the world of intuition and objective spiritual consciousness. In the world of intuition, the archetypes of all things in nature develop.
It is necessary to know that a Turiya is neither a medium, nor a pseudo-clairvoyant, nor a pseudo-mystic, unlike those who nowadays abound like weeds in all schools of spiritual, hermetic, occultist studies, etc.
It is urgent to know how to meditate profoundly and then to practise Sexual Magic during the whole of our life in order to reach, after many difficult trials, the state of Turiya.
Neither dreamer nor medium, nor any of those who enter a school of occult teaching can instantaneously achieve the state of Turiya. Unfortunately, many believe that it is as easy as blowing glass in order to make bottles, or like smoking a cigarette, or like getting drunk. Thus we see many people hallucinating, mediums and dreamers, declaring themselves to be clairvoyant Masters, illuminated ones. In all schools, including within the ranks of our Gnostic Movement, those persons who say that they are clairvoyant without really being so are never missing. These are the ones who, based upon their hallucinations and dreams, slander others saying, such a person is fallen; such a fellow is a black magician etc., etc.
As a rule, those who have recently entered Gnosis are full of impatience; they want immediate phenomenal manifestations, instantaneous astral projections, illumination, wisdom, etc.The reality is another thing. Nothing is given to us for free. Everything has its price. Nothing is attained through curiosity, instantaneously, rapidly. Everything has its process and its development. Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses very slowly within the aura of the Mahachoan. Kundalini has the power of awakening the consciousness. Nevertheless, the process of awakening is slow, gradual, natural, without spectacular, sensational, emotional, and barbaric events. When consciousness already has completely awakened it is not something sensational, or spectacular. It is simply a reality, as natural as a tree that grew slowly, unfolded and developed without sudden leaps or sensational events. Nature is nature. The Gnostic student in the beginning says, "I am dreaming." Later he exclaims, "I am in the astral body, outside the physical body." Later still he obtains Samadhi, ecstasy, and enters the fields of Paradise. In the beginning the manifestations are sporadic, discontinuous, followed by long periods of unconsciousness. Much later, the Igneous Wings give us continuous uninterrupted awakened consciousness.
Excerpted from The Perfect Matrimony - or the Door to Enter into Initiation (1950) by Samael Aun Weor.